
Vino-Rosso Uva-rossa vino bottiglie uva
The wine of centenarians

In the world there are only two places where one can find a large number of centenarians: the Japanese island of Okinawa and Sardinia. Japan's centenarians are concentrated in one place, and many scientists have sought to discover the secret of their long life, apparently linked to a low calorie diet with a large amount of fruit.

In Sardinia, the secret of longevity of centenarians has been studied by researchers at the University of Sassari, and, more specifically, by Professor Luca Deiana, promoter of the project AKEA, which has been conducting studies over a period of 16 years. During this period he has monitored the way of life of three thousand centenarians, and came to the conclusion that 93% of men and 63% of women unde observation consumed an average of 1-2 glasses of Cannonau wine  a day. Exploring genetics, diet and habits of local centenarians, the group of scientists came to the conclusion that the secret of their longevity could not be simpler: one or two glasses of red wine Cannonau daily, togheter with local cheeses and a piece of bread.

According to scientists, the substances contained in wine (Resveratrol, coumaric acid), have a positive effect on the human cellular level, by adjusting the balance of free radicals.

So we toast  with Cannonau wine to our health and a long life!

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Intresting about Sardinia....

Праздники Сардинии и не только....

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